DTI Calls For Final Submissions of Sector Codes

Repeal of Sector Codes Not Aligned to the Amended Codes:

"Sector Charter Councils have until the 15 November 2015 to submit aligned Sector Codes for approval to Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies.

All existing Sector Codes that have not submitted application for approval to the Minister to be aligned with Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice will be repealed.

Once sector codes are repealed, entities operating in the affected sectors will use the Amended B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice for measurement.

The background to this action by Minister Davies is that on 15 May 2015, all the existing Sector Codes which were not aligned to the Amended Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Codes of Good Practice were given further extension to complete the alignment process by 30 October 2015. The extension was given through a Notice, Government Gazette Number 38799, which further stated that a consideration shall be made to repealing those sector codes that are not aligned and ready for gazetting by 30 October 2015."

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